Monday, July 28, 2014

The Week in Glue

Today marks the start of a busy, but great, week. My sisters are coming to visit! Carolyn and Mimi live in the South, so we don't get to see each other too often. We'll all be descending upon my mom's house on Cape Cod for a few days. Before Gabe, Erik, and I caravan to the Cape, we need to get our ducks in a row and pack. I decided that I'd rather not tote all of my jewelry making supplies with me, so I need to be an earring machine over the next few days. (My hope is that every pair will not come out to look the same!) I also need to start putting in major time getting my Etsy shop ready. I put together a shop to-do list last night. It's not as daunting as I thought it would be (okay, maybe it is), but I can do it! <awesome montage music swells and various images of me sitting at a computer drinking coffee appear on the screen>

Aside from the busyness of life this week, here's what's keeping my soul glued:

Beverage: There is a theme of coffee and seltzer in my life. There needs to be more water.

Watching: (Reading is being replaced for now, as I have 400 pages left to read in Red Seas Under Red Skies--I need to get reading.) Yay for TV! I thought I had watched all television ever during the early part of my pregnancy, when I felt so crappy that I couldn't move. I was wrong! There is lots and lots of ridiculous and dramatic stuff to watch (in the middle of the night on your phone while you're nursing your baby and trying to stay awake. I am also guilty of having the TV on in the background while Gabe plays. There. I said it.) I started watching Psych at the end of last week. It's funny, silly, and won't traumatize Gabe if he glances up at the screen.

Nickname for Gabe: I called Gabe "Lil' G-Man" this morning. Erik looked at me and said, "Is he a spy?" I said that I was trying it out. 

Could be worse. At least I'd have a hot babe with me. (source)
Way to Waste Time on the Internet: For the Trek lovers out there:
Which original Star Trek character are you?
Which Next Generation character are you?
Which DS9 character are you?
I got: Pavel Chekov, Geordi LaForge, and Benjamin Sisko. I'm not going to say anything else.

Troubleshooting: How I was matched with Pavel Chekov, Geordi LaForge, and Benjamin Sisko.

Words of Inspiration: Let's stick with the Trek theme: "It is the struggle itself that is most important. We must strive to be more than we are. It does not matter that we will not reach our ultimate goal. The effort itself yields its own reward." --Gene Roddenberry 

See the clump of leaves? That is a nest! 
Around the House: A husband and wife chickadee set up shop in the hanging plant right outside the slider to our deck. They built a fabulous little nest, laid some eggs, and now the eggs have hatched! We've been watching Mom and Dad bird fly back and forth to the nest with little bugs for their babies. Bebe and Leelu, our illustrious cats, have been mesmerized by these birds, and continue to attempt to lure the birds to them with their weirdo cat chirps.

Craft Idea: Hats for Cats. Hehe. Erik is staunchly against outfits for the cats. I don't think little party hats for Leelu and Bebe, or unicorn horns, would be such a big deal...

Want to Learn More About: I want to figure out how to incorporate boating knots into my jewelry designs. The idea came to me randomly yesterday afternoon. This Pinterest board is amazing inspiration for how to create jewelry from knots.

Squash Update: SQUASH HAVE STARTED TO GROW!!! We have at least three baby zucchinis and one summer squash on the way. The lady squash could not stay away from the awesome dude squash party!

What's keeping your soul glued this week?

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