Huzzah! You have arrived at SoulGlue Crafts. Welcome! My name is Chrissy, and I created the SoulGlue blog in 2012 after hemming, hawing, and realizing that I'm not happy unless I'm sharing my love for creativity with other people: Creativity is what keeps my soul glued together. SoulGlue is about living creatively, whether that be as a crafter, mom, or professional.
A few facts about me, I created my first collage at age eight by covering an empty Quaker Oats cannister with pictures from my 3-2-1 Contact magazine. I cut a hole in the plastic lid and called my creation a piggy bank. My love of making functional objects has continued since that time. I've branched out into crochet, jewelry design, and quilting, to name a few. I am passionate about collage, and I feel at my most centered when cutting, arranging, and gluing paper. I also greatly enjoy learning new crafts and figuring out how other crafters tic.
When I am not scheming about craft projects, I am working as a mom and a mental health clinician. I have a degree in Expressive Arts Therapy, which enables me to use the creative arts as tools for healing in the mental health field. Having grown up in Massachusetts, I have a fierce love for New England and its idiosyncrasies. My husband, Erik, and I chose to settle here with our son, Gabe, and two cats, Leelu and Bebe. We live in a cute little house that I am slowly painting lots of bright colors.
What else keeps my soul glued, you ask? Here is a list: The color blue, Star Trek, organizing, cleaning, David Bowie, David Sedaris books, Abba, general silliness, fabric glue, yarn, cookies, driving, sunshine, the beach, cloth diapers, bargains, hot beverages, pumpkin beer, and Mod Podge.