Thursday, April 26, 2012

How to Grow a Collage Garden

Life has been busy up in Soul Glue land with crafting, taking pictures of crafts, and website-making. If you have ever noted the link to the right--yep, that sexy website link that offers even more Soul Glue--then you've taken a look at my under construction website. If you click on that link now, you will discover a much developed Soul Glue website with lots of pictures and workable links and other wonderful things that you can see on websites. Below are a few sample pictures from the website that will tempt you to go look at more pictures:

I planted some collage seeds and they grew into these fabulous postcards. Ask me how!
My lovely friend Sarah graciously posed with this yoga mat bag on a day when she was packing up to move from her house no less.
The pictures of these baskets were a labor of love. While toting them around our building to find neat places to take pictures, I fell off of our front steps and skinned my knee. I felt like I was ten years old again. My accident didn't stop me, though. I stuck a bandaid on the knee, kept on with the pictures, and managed not to get any blood on the bowls. Phew.

As for general craft projects I have been working on, I finished crocheting a new yoga mat bag yesterday morning. Below are pictures of the finished product:

Sunday, April 1, 2012


Last month, I read an article in Better Homes and Gardens Magazine about a book titled The New Terrarium, and I was immediately intrigued. I had never made a terrarium before, but the idea of placing plants and objects within a glass container sounded like a fun project. Yesterday, I invited a few friends over for a terrarium making adventure. We decided to make succulent terrariums, which seemed a bit less challenging to maintain. Combining directions from a few websites (Offbeat Bride, BirdHouse, Martha Stewart) we created a lovely array of terrariums for your viewing pleasure. First, here's a brief description of the supplies we used and what we did:

Cactus Mix Soil (found at Lowe's)
Pebbles or small rocks (also found at Lowe's)
A variety of succulent plants (Lowe's again)
Sheet moss (you guessed it: Lowe's)
Glass container with wide opening (HAHA! Not found at Lowe's! We went to the Christmas Tree Shop for this purchase. If you are not fortunate to live near a Tree, you can get a suitable container from a craft store, Salvation Army, or anywhere else you can think of that sells glass containers.)
Gardening gloves
Funky stones, random objects (these will help jazz up the terrarium)

1. Fill the bottom of your glass container with 2-2.5 inches of pebbles.
2. Pour dirt into your container until it is about halfway full.
3. Go crazy arranging your succulents, funky objects, and moss!
4. Water your terrarium until the soil is moist.
5. Gaze at your creation!

Now here's the pictures of our terrariums...

We ran out of daylight by the time we finished, which made taking decent pictures a bit challenging. However, these terrariums still look gorgeous and they were lots of fun to make!
The inside of one of Kerri's terrariums. We voted her the #1 Terrarium Super Star!
Another view. We have some Sarah, Alex, and Emily in this picture.
One of the terrariums I made in daylight.
Inside view.
Another terrarium by moi in the daylight.
The over-the-top view. I included a porcelain ball in my design to change things up a bit.
Thumbs up for the aftermath!
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