Life has been busy up in Soul Glue land with crafting, taking pictures of crafts, and website-making. If you have ever noted the link to the right--yep, that sexy website link that offers even more Soul Glue--then you've taken a look at my under construction website. If you click on that link now, you will discover a much developed Soul Glue website with lots of pictures and workable links and other wonderful things that you can see on websites. Below are a few sample pictures from the website that will tempt you to go look at more pictures:
I planted some collage seeds and they grew into these fabulous postcards. Ask me how! |
My lovely friend Sarah graciously posed with this yoga mat bag on a day when she was packing up to move from her house no less. |
The pictures of these baskets were a labor of love. While toting them around our building to find neat places to take pictures, I fell off of our front steps and skinned my knee. I felt like I was ten years old again. My accident didn't stop me, though. I stuck a bandaid on the knee, kept on with the pictures, and managed not to get any blood on the bowls. Phew. |
As for general craft projects I have been working on, I finished crocheting a new yoga mat bag yesterday morning. Below are pictures of the finished product:
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