Saturday, November 24, 2012

Moving and General Whackiness

Greetings Soul Glue followers! It has been about six months since my last post--far, far, FAR too long. In short, Erik and I decided to buy a house and move. When you have about 18 tons of craft supplies, as well as cat accouterments, movies, and dishes to pack, you're busy. The summer was spent packing up the apartment. Early fall was spent moving from the apartment into the house. The remainder of fall has been spent painting, cleaning, raking, and painting. So far, we've completely repainted the master bedroom and kitchen. (When I find the camera, I will post some before and after pictures.) We're settling into the house, as are the cats. I've become a bit addicted to using our fireplace. I actually think it was an old addiction that had gone dormant due to apartment living for several years.

Despite the great move of 2012, I have managed to dabble a bit in crafts. Mostly, I've been crocheting an afghan inspired by a pin on Pinterest, to which I am also now addicted. I posted a post about my Pinterest page a while ago, but here is the link, if you're interested. I've gone bananas with craft related pins.

I think I'll keep this entry short for today. Here are pictures of my cats looking like cyborgs:

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