Sunday, March 24, 2013

Last Unicorn Embroidery and World War Z: Oh Yes!

Things have been busy in the Soul Glue craft studio these past few 
weeks. After I finished up with the Tardis quilt, I decided that I wanted to learn how to embroider. I've been curious about embroidery for a long time, having marveled for years at some of the projects my mother created. Many of my mom's pictures decorated our home. On of my favorite designs that she created was a large picture of a sunset. This wasn't just any sunset, though: It was crafted out of orange, yellow, and brown embroidery floss, and it was AMAZING. I think 70s fabulous would be the only way to describe it. My mom created the pictures to the right during college, which I enjoy to an equal amount. The clouds kind of blow my mind, as well as the detail in the tiny boat.

I began my embroidery journey by performing some internet research. I looked for what supplies I would need to start and became rather overwhelmed with the options of needles and thread and hoops. I wanted to do this right. While mulling over how to proceed, I took a trip to Barnes and Noble, as I had a gift card to use up. After picking up a copy of World War Z, which is a great book that you should totally read, I wandered through the craft kit section. Among many learn to make origami kits, I found Learn Doodle Stitching. The kit featured a "112-page instruction book, embroidery floss, CD with 400+ doodle designs, 2 handkerchiefs, embroidery needle, wooden hoop." It also had cute woodland creatures and a tree on the front. Sold. 

After bringing the kit home, I practiced a bit on a flower design that I quickly lost interest in. I wanted to make something! Something that hopefully wouldn't look like I just stabbed at it with a needle and thread. I browsed through the images on the CD and located a unicorn and a funky looking tree. An image popped into my head, and I knew what I was destined to create: A Last Unicorn sampler inspired by the busty tree that Schmendrick the Magician gets strapped to and then enchants.

That tree has a pretty great rack.

Unicorn and Magic Tree sans Schmendrick and bustiness.
This project was a very fun way to practice my stitches. The other nice thing about it was that it didn't take long to make--there's something to be said for the instant gratification factor. Since finishing up this little picture, I, naturally, decided to dive into the deep end of the pool and to create something rather large and complicated. It is not zombie embroidery, though now that I type that, I think I may have to make it. That will be another post for another day, though. In the meantime, happy Sunday all! Have fun!


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