Monday, August 4, 2014

The Week in Glue

Gabe with cousin ZZ--the only two rested
individuals in the house!
After a week of fun visits with family, I am ready for a break. We've beached it, thrifted it, clam baked it, and movied it. The one thing we haven't done is slept. Between teething and the stimulation of his energetic cousin and loving aunties, Gabe has had war on sleep. We'll return home to Norfolk this afternoon. I'm looking forward to snuggling the cats and sleeping (or at least seeing) my own bed. For now, here's what's keeping my soul glued this week:

Beverage: Black tea with lemon. I drink it whenever I visit my mom. It's comforting and reminds me of watching Murder She Wrote on Sunday evenings together when I was a little kid.

Watching: Still watching Psych and very much enjoying it. 

Nickname for Gabe: For several months, I've been calling Gabe "Chumbareen." I had no idea how this nickname came into play. I've been singing it to the tune of "Bali Hai" from South Pacific. (I sing many, many silly songs to Gabe throughout the day.) I heard my sister, Carolyn, call Gabe "Chumbareeni" this weekend, and I asked her about it. Apparently, it's a name that she and her husband, Matt, came up with for my niece, ZZ. May it continue to live on in its glory!

Way to Waste Time on the Internet: Ok, so this isn't really a way to waste time, but it sure as hell is a time suck: The Etsy Seller Handbook. I've been reading it in preparation for opening my shop on September 1. Every post contains links that contain links that contain links. It's never ending and relatively overwhelming. I opened a link about shipping and, 15 minutes later, ended up with 8 more open tabs, which ranged from taxes to packaging to shop policies. I think I might just need to dive into shop development and reference the handbook as I go instead of trying to learn it all up front.
So much fabulous loot!

Troubleshooting: What to do with all of the fabulous jewelry loot I acquired while on our trip.

Words of Inspiration: I learned about the Creative Rehab website through Rob Brezsny's Facebook feed. The author of the blog, Andrea Balt, has some thought-provoking words to share. Here's a blurb about creativity:

"Creativity is your operating system. It's a free app that came with your original superhero software. It's your intrinsic individual ability to face and respond to the uncertainty and mysteries of life, your essential human birthright, your fuel for rebelling against decay, your irregular heartbeats and your mind's engine. It is the basic force of life, right after love."

Around the House: I have a ton of stuff to put away from our trip. I also need to do mundane life tasks, such as grocery shopping and laundry. All I really want to do is eat popcorn and veg. The afternoon will probably look more like eating popcorn and chasing Gabe, while I try to avoid looking at the bags I need to unpack.

Nature looms. (source)
Craft Idea: My six-year-old niece has been telling me about how there is a loom similar to the Rainbow Loom with which you "can make anything you want!" ZZ does not know the name of this mystery loom, and I haven't been able to turn up anything in my Google searches. I did find this idea for nature looms. Basically, you create a frame with sticks, wrap string around it, and then weave in items you find from nature. The possibilities for this craft seem endless, as you could weave virtually anything into your design.

Want to Learn More About: How I can do everything I want to do without feeling completely burnt. I don't know if it's possible to do everything I want to do--I consistently feel as if I have to give up one thing in order to pay attention to another. I tell myself that it's all about time management, and that if I embrace daily structure, I will get to do everything that is important to me. Maybe, though, I need to reevaluate what's important and what needs to go so that I stop becoming lost in my to-do list. Maybe I need to be more honest with myself about the to-dos and the not-to-dos in my life.

What's keeping your soul glued this week?

1 comment:

  1. Roj & Emily got us into Psych a few years ago. It's so great. I'm sad I'm done watching it! Enjoy!


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