Monday, August 18, 2014

The Week in Glue

It's Monday again. Here's what's keeping my soul glued so far this week:

Beverage: I had a beer in bed a few nights ago. As awesome as it was, I would very much like to be able to drink a beer on my back porch (so that I can feel like a more normal human).

Favorite a-Pair-a-Day Earrings from Last Week: I have to go with New Toy. I had the opportunity to use my new hole punch and Mod Podge in the creation of this pair--it was a banner evening.

Watching: Still watching Psych. Erik went to see Guardians of the Galaxy while I was at work on Saturday. Don't get me wrong--I'm happy he went. But I would really like to see that flick. I also hear that the soundtrack is AMAZING.

Reading: Finished Red Seas Under Red Skies. Now I'm reading the third book in the Gentleman Bastards trilogy, The Republic of Thieves.

Nickname for Gabe: Sweet Love.

Way to Waste Time on the Internet: Well, this is amazing.

Troubleshooting: I still have those damn cabbage leaves from last week. I've tried pawning them off on friends, but no one will take them. So there's that. I'm also trying to figure out how I can incorporate image transfers into my earring designs. Troubleshooting that issue is way, way, WAY more fun than the cabbage issue.

Words of Inspiration: From a fortune cookie: "Today is probably a huge improvement over yesterday." (Unless it's not, and then I'm sad for you.)

(NEW category!) Etsy Shop Progress: Last week, I worked primarily on the About sections of my shop and on putting the finishing touches on my packaging idea. This week, I plan to work on shop policies.

Each pair will be wrapped in an origami envelope and then put
 into a pillow box for extra protection during the shipping process.
What your earrings will look like when you open the envelope!

Around the House: I really need to clean our bedroom. It's being taken over by wayward pieces of clothing and laundry baskets.

Craft Idea: The image transfer idea for one. For two, I've been hatching a plan for a way to organize papers in my craft room. A while ago, I pried apart two old suitcases with the intention of turning the top portion of the cases into some sort of file system. When September hits and a-Pair-a-Day is finished, I'm planning on starting a new blog feature called "Unfinished Business" in which I work on projects that I started but never finished. Maybe my suitcase plan will be the first featured project!

(NEW category!) Things that I'm Liking as I Type: My new nylon tipped pliers and how my hair is long enough to braid. Also, Gabe is finally asleep. That is good, too.

What's keeping your soul glued this week?

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