Monday, January 16, 2012

Glitter for Lunch

Welcome to Soul Glue Collage and Craft's inaugural post! This blog/artistic endeavor/attempt to make a living from what I love to do has been quite a long time coming. I am attempting to create a space in which I can chat about my crafty experiments and extraneous thoughts and get to know other crafters, who are not happy unless they are covered in glue and yarn.

To tell you a bit about myself, my name is Chrissy. I live in eastern Massachusetts with my husband, Erik, and two cats, Leelu and Bebe. Our little family shows great patience on a regular basis with the facts that (1) I can't sit still (2) I always need to be making something and (3) I often drop craft bombs on our living room, which result in bits of paper, yarn, felt, beads and other various materials being left in piles on our furniture. They have also shown patience with my ambivalence about starting the Soul Glue project, which I suppose has been in development since I was 11 years old. That year, I made my first collage and functional art object: a Quaker Oats canister covered in pictures from 3-2-1 Contact magazine with a slit in the top for change. I learned about collage through my oldest sister, Carolyn, who shares the craft gene. I'm not sure what it is about cutting and ripping paper and gluing it into pictures, but I just can't seem to get enough of it. To look at some of my collage work, go to my website and check out the Gallery. The site's still under construction, but I think it will give you a decent sense of my style.

As it is indeed winter time and I live up north, I've been very much into designing and creating cowls and hats this season. I learned to crochet from my mother and my college friend, Iris. While I possess a fair understanding of patterns, I generally like to make up my own. To the right and below are pictures of cowls I made recently. I used "super bulky" acrylic yarn and an N-sized crochet hook. The cowls are both snuggly, soft, and warm--three qualities that, I believe, must be involved in any comfortable winter garment!

I plan to start selling various items, including cowls inspired by the two posted here, on Etsy, I just need to build up stock!

I'll be updating this blog at least weekly to start, so stay tuned.

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