Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Hot Ticket Tuesday Presents Sarah Seagrave and the Fabulous Knit Sweater

I'm trying something new to help me get into the habit of regular Soul Glue posting: Hot Ticket Tuesdays. This weekly post will feature a crafty friend's craft project. I love hearing about what other people are creating, and I feel inspired by others’ inspiration. I want to spread that around on my blog like awesome crafty peanut butter. My pal Sarah Seagrave and I have been wonder-twin-soul-sister-besty-friends since we met each other at the whacky orientation for our graduate school program. I've been watching Sarah diligently knit two different projects over the past month, and I thought that she would be an excellent first person to feature as a Hot Ticket. I sent Sarah a list of questions about her recent knitting projects. Here is how she responded: Tell me about a craft and/or art project you made. DO IT. I have knitted a baby blanket and a sweater. Feel my amazing baby warming prowess! (Flexes muscles) What inspired you to make it? Friends having a baby; but that's a little obvious and not quite it. I hadn't knit anything in a long time. I like to knit, but I don't need anything that I can knit. So many scarves, so little time. But I had tried that crazy ruffle yarn because the novelty snuck up on me. Working with that stuff pissed me off SO bad that I needed to do some regular knitting to cleanse my palate. Did you come up with the idea yourself, or did you find a pattern and/or template that you used? Well I bought this big ass ball of baby yarn and there was a pattern on the label - et voila! The blanket! Then I ran out of yarn with literally five rows left and had to buy ANOTHER big ass ball of baby yarn. With my leftover yarn, I made my first sweater. What type of medium did you use? Um, remember the baby yarn? It's a neat weight though- fuzzy but not hairy. Has a nice pastel heft to it.  
What did you enjoy about making this project? It was wicked easy. Made me feel like a knitting badass. Both patterns were quick and looked cool at the end IMO. What did you think about while you were making it? Well mostly I thought about whatever I liked since it required so little concentration, but I   also spent some time remembering the time before my daughter was born and when she was very small. We got a lot of nice gifts from our friends and family, and a lot of help too, so it was nice to think about that. I want to move that energy forward. Plus Mike and Miranda [friends who are having a baby] are awesome. I thought about them too, I guess.
Were you doing anything else while you worked on this project? If so, what? (For example, sometimes I watch tv while crocheting.) I watched tv and played tabletop RPGs mostly. It was a nice gaming project. Were you pleased with the finished product? What pleased and/or displeased you about it? I think it came out ok. The yarn was a little bulky for the sweater so that's really more a coat and I had to re learn how to bind off, but yeah. Plus babies don't care if stuff is perfect. They don't see that well at first. Will you make it again? Yes I would. My mum donates baby hats and blankets and crap to her church fair so maybe I'll get on that. Lastly, what is your favorite color and glue? Favorite color - today, purple. Favorite glue - hot glue. I like it dangerous and thready. Here are some pictures of Sarah's project:
This blanket is super soft and snuggly!

Sarah added pockets and a button on the collar to finish things off. I still cannot  wrap my head around how she made this with two pointy sticks. Knitting is a mystery to me.

This is fabulous Zelda modeling the sweater and blanket.

1 comment:

  1. That is awesome, and I can't stop laughing. I want to be featured on this blog. I have been making eye pillows.... ;-)


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