Monday, August 25, 2014

The Week in Glue

Monday, Monday, so good to meeeee....Here's what's keeping my soul glued so far this week:

Beverage: Polar raspberry lime soda with ice.

Favorite a-Pair-a-Day Earrings from Last Week: Progress. Not only because of the effort involved, but also because they look pretty neat.

Watching: Gabe and I went to the library today, where I borrowed Catch and Release, a Jennifer Garner rom-com. What? It's about how love is "messy" and, um...I was drawn to it, ok? Fine. Timothy Olyphant is in it. Sue me.

Reading: I'm about a third of the way through The Republic of Thieves. I'm tempted for my next book to be a piece of Jane Eyre fan fic. Apparently, I am drawn to that as well...

Nickname for Gabe: ChiChi Bubba.

Way to Waste Time on the Internet: This is related to today's pair of earrings.

These exist now!
Etsy Shop Progress: Slowly but surely, I have been posting drafts of listings for the go-live on September 1. Also, business cards!

Around the House: I cleaned our bedroom!

Craft Idea: Fall is almost here, and I have been thinking a lot about snuggly crochet. I did a bit of daydreaming about how I will ship my crochet items (so that they will look fancy and cute). I thought of the idea of using braided paper to tie around each item. I found this tutorial, but I want to keep looking (or just come up with my own way of braiding paper).

Things that I'm Liking as I Type: The sounds of Erik cleaning the kitchen.

What's keeping your soul glued this week?

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