Monday, September 8, 2014

The Week in Glue

The Etsy shop has been open for one week, and I've been enjoying every minute of it. Sales have been good, and I have received some helpful feedback. I've continued to work on new pairs to list. Keep reading below and see some sneak peaks!

Other than the shop happenings, here's what's keeping my soul glued this week:

Beverage: I picked up Newman's Own pomegranate lemonade last week--yum! Also, pumpkin beer is now in season--yum, yum, yum!

Watching: I finally got around to watching The Social Network, and now I feel dirty for using Facebook. (Misogyny + Greed = Gross.) Erik and I also watched Cabin in the Woods, which was far more enjoyable than The Social Network. (Classic Horror Themes + Elder Gods = Awesome.)

Reading: Almost done with The Republic of Thieves; just 30 more pages to go. One of the major things I like about the Gentleman Bastard series is its portrayal of women. There is overall gender equality in the world in which the books take place--women do all of the things that men do, and no characters are surprised by that. It's refreshing. Also, women don't have to act like men in order to be taken seriously. That standard doesn't even exist in the books' universe. Again: Refreshing.

Nickname for Gabe: ChiChi Bubba.

Way to Waste Time on the Internet: Erik just introduced me to this. Thanks, Commander Riker!

Etsy Shop Progress: Here are some sneak peaks of earrings to be listed this week, as well as an early cowl design:

Sea glass, silver-plated wire, and stainless steel ear wires.

Vintage silver-plated buttons turned studs with added paper detail.

Vintage star silver-plated buttons turned studs.

Vintage white and turquoise button studs.

Oxidized copper discs.

And more oxidized copper discs...

And some more...

What a snuggly cowl! (Also, I feel like there's some crazy Pieta shit happening in this picture,
so I will now make fun of myself with the following two pictures.

Thanks, Ash!

This unicorn is jumping into my ear.

Around the House: We have a bunch of apples that have seen better days, and I'm thinking of making a pie out of them--maybe even making pie crust from scratch! We shall see how the week progresses.

Craft Idea: I'm continuing to toss around the idea of image transfers on earrings, and I experimented a bit with this last week. My experiment failed. BUT. I now have some photocopies, which should work better in the transfer process. Maybe next week, I'll have some new image transfer earrings to list. 

Things that I'm Liking as I Type: Gabe is smiling at me and pounding on the gate across the hall.

What's keeping your soul glued this week?

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