Monday, September 15, 2014

The Week in Glue

Here's what's keeping my soul glued this week:

Beverage: Pumpkin flavored coffee. I ran out of it this morning, but Erik picked more up this afternoon. He is a good husband. (oxox Erik)

Watching: Erik and I began watching Archer a few days ago. I'd started it a while back, but then became distracted by...what? Other TV? Who knows. In any event, Archer is hilarious, raunchy fun.

Reading: Finished The Republic of Thieves. Next up: Cape Cod, an epic novel about two Cape families who date back to the Mayflower. I'm liking it quite a bit so far, as it's satisfying my inner historical fiction geek.

Nickname for Gabe: ChiChi-Bacca. Erik gets the cred for this one.

A mere sample of how you will soon be wasting time on the internet. Source.
Way to Waste Time on the Internet: omg THIS.

Etsy Shop Progress: Half of the a-Pair-a-Day earrings have sold! I know! Nuts! I am flattered, jazzed, and excited to fill the shop with many more goods over the coming months.

Around the House: Gabe has been suffering from a cold for the past few days, which has meant limited sleep for the grown-ups of the house. Last night, however, the ChiChi allowed us to get six consecutive hours of sleep! It's amazing the housework you can get done when you're not exhausted.

Craft Idea: Meh. I have not followed through with my image transfer plans. However, I did purchase shrinkable plastic that can be used with inkjet printers. All of those words basically stand for shrinky dinks. My plan is to do a Throwback Thursday Craft-a-Long post next month using said plastic. If you can't wait until then (heh), check out this link from the PhotoJojo Blog for a great tutorial.

Snuggly Leelu.
Things that I'm Liking as I Type: Leelu is snuggled next me me. Also, Bebe decided not to jump on top of the stack of folded towels at my feet. Good choice, Bebe, good choice.

What's keeping your soul glued this week?

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