Monday, September 22, 2014

The Week in Glue

Here's what's keeping my soul glued this week:

Beverage: Pumpkin flavored coffee is still in the lead with seltzer filling in the gaps. I almost ran away with a pallet of Polar seltzer this afternoon at the grocery store. My plan was to toss Gabe on top of the pallet and then mow down some old ladies to get to the door, but I chickened out at the last second.

Watching: I've put Sesame Street on for Gabe before dinner time the past few days so that I can get food, etc. together. It streams on Hulu, which is handy. On Saturday, Erik was sitting with Gabe as "Elmo's World" started. "Elmo's World" is basically Elmo bopping around in front of a green screen with his friends. It's cute. However, this episode of "Elmo's World" was about skin. Yes: Skin. Kids need to learn about skin. That is useful. Books made of skin that have chats with Elmo are just CREEPY. I yelled at Elmo not to read from the skin-covered book, for fear of his raising the Evil Dead.

See? It's totally the same book! Source

Elmo is talking to the Necronomicon. Source

Reading: I'm halfway through Cape Cod. I'm learning all kinds of history about Cape Cod. For instance, I learned that the descendants of the Mayflower love to have sexy times all the time. Who knew, right?! I now know why my mom "read it twice." Oh, Mom.

Nickname for Gabe: Yo-ChiChi, as in Yoshimi Battles the Pink Robots by the Flaming Lips. I change up the lyrics to be more applicable to Gabe's life: "His name is Yo-ChiChi. He's a black belt in pooping..." (It's classy up in this house.)

Way to Waste Time on the Internet: Lose yourself to Apartment Therapy's Before & After page.

Etsy Shop Progress: Today I ordered the paper that I want to use to wrap the crochet items I'm planning on selling. I should have some pictures of the packaging next week.

Around the House: The worst of Gabe's cold seems to be over (knock on wood). YAYYYY!!! Also, I made cookies today. They are tasty.

Craft Idea: I've been slowly, slowly working on infinity scarves that I would like to sell in my shop. Here is one that I finished yesterday:

This scarf is made of an acrylic and wool blend yarn that has tiny silver metallic pieces woven into it. 

Things that I'm Liking as I Type: When I'm done this post, I am rewarding myself with tea and cookies.

What's keeping your soul glued this week?


  1. Elmo reading the necronomicon made me pee laughing. Just wait.... Sesame Street is full of surprises!


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