Monday, October 6, 2014

The Week in Glue

Here's what's keeping my soul glued this week:

Beverage: New Polar Seltzer flavors have arrived! I picked up a few bottles today, and I can't wait to try the cranberry-clementine flavor.

Reading: I finished reading Cape Cod while staying on Cape Cod. How's that for full circle?! So. What am I reading now? On Friday, in a haze of illness, I ordered three self-help books, an animal sounds book for Gabe, and a book about making felt boards. Ugh. Book buying while sick was not the best idea I've ever had. I ended up with a book called Passion. Seriously. WTF was I thinking? Gabe really likes it so far. Maybe it won't be terrible???

Watching: Started watching The Blacklist as my craft-making-alone-time show. It has an Alias flavor, sans awesome lady spy. There is just a rather annoying lady FBI agent. I'm waiting to see if James Spader makes up for her annoyingness.

Listening: I've been guiltily switching between local NPR stations in order to avoid the fund drive ads. Shame on me.

Nickname for Gabe: Gooferine.

Way to Waste Time on the Internet: Heard about this freaky shiz while switching between NPR stations.

Etsy Shop Update: I'm hammering out the final details of how my snuggly crochet apparel will be packaged and shipped. I also had the pleasure of designing a custom earring order this weekend!

Around the House: I reorganized some of Gabe's toys in the living room and moved his exersaucer thinger upstairs. The living room feels much less cluttered now.

Craft Idea: I bought butcher block paper in which to wrap crochet items before shipping them. I decided that I wanted to dress up the paper a little bit by stamping "wear your bliss" onto it. This afternoon, I created a "wear your bliss" stamp from foam letters. I'm not sure if I'll stamp a large area of the paper, or if I'll do just one stamp. I'll figure it out tomorrow.

Things I'm Liking as I Type: We had a good day today.

What's keeping your soul glued this week?

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