Monday, October 13, 2014

The Week in Glue

Here's what's keeping my soul glued this week:

Beverage: Pumpkin coffee, cans of seltzer, and *SHOCK* water. Yes, I am making an effort to drink more water.

Reading: I read a little bit in that Passion book I mentioned last week--the one I bought while totally out-of-it. I still don't know why I bought it. One of the other books I purchased during my book-binge haze of last week was Jennifer Hudson's autobiography, I Got This. Yep, the books just keep getting better. I think I bought it because I'm trying to get back into Weight Watchers and she's that company's spokesperson. It's not awful. The writing could be better. I can't fault Jennifer Hudson for that, though--she's a singer, not a writer, by trade.

The scene looked something like this.
Watching: Favorite Once Upon a Time moment so far: Captain Hook's lady love gets trapped by Elsa (ohhhh yessss the show whored itself out to Frozen) in an ice mountain. What does Captain Hook do? He starts chipping at the ice, like an old timey ice truck delivery man, with his hook. It was painmazing (tm) (a combo of painful and amazing) to watch.

Listening: Louis CK on Spotify.

Nickname for Gabe: Cheecherine.

Way to Waste Time on the Internet: I love Halloween. These pictures of strange vintage costumes are fantastic.

Etsy Shop Update: I hate to say it, but I'm moving at a glacial pace in terms of getting new merchandise posted. I have it to post, but it's been difficult to find a chunk of time in which to take and edit pictures. My hope is to have some earrings and cowls posted by the end of this week. Fingers crossed. What I really need to do is find a way to not sleep so that I can get everything done that I want to get done. Le sigh.

Around the House: Erik and I ran around the yard yesterday, raking and dead-heading plants. I harvested the last of our tomatoes.

Craft Idea: Last week, I decided to to reorganize and rearrange my craft room. I loved the room the way it was, but I needed more surface area. Basically, my Etsy shop stuff was taking over our dining room and looking messy. Now everything craft-related is in one space. Yay! I ran into a bit of a snafu, though, when I lost use of a bulletin board that is attached to a set of shelves. The shelves (the cube style ones from IKEA) were turned onto their side, and they now host my stereo and several boxes of magazines. I really wanted something to hang over my desk as an inspiration board. As luck would have it, the former owners of our house left a giant cork board in the basement. I decided that I wanted the board to have a decorative element to it. Check out the pictures below to see what I did:

Plain old giant cork board.

Above we have a potato masher. Yep. When my mom came to stay with us after Gabe was born, she decided that she hated this particular masher and bought me a new one. I don't know why she hated it. It was a Salvation Army special, but I always thought it did the trick. I've been holding onto the masher for a project just like this one! Basically, I used the masher like a stamp, covering it with white acrylic paint, and then stamping it onto the cork board to make a brick-like pattern.

Making progress...

And done! I took this picture tonight, so the light isn't great. You get the idea, though. Totally
easy project, and it looks super cute.

Things I'm Liking as I Type: Gabe's asleep, and the house is quiet except for the dishwasher. Peaceful.

What's keeping your soul glued this week?

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