Monday, October 20, 2014

The Week in Glue

Here's what's keeping my soul glued this week:

It's sparkly and GIGANTIC.
Beverage: Every time I decide that I'm going to drink more water on a daily basis, I buy another water bottle. This behavior has resulted in a ridiculous collection of water bottles that I have no room to store. Sigh. In keeping with this poorly planned tradition, I purchased a sparkly new bottle.

Reading: I received the fourth and final book from my sickness-induced book buying binge of a few weeks ago: Felt Board Fun for Everyday and the Holidays. This book is great. It not only has templates, but also little lesson plans about how to play with the pieces you make. Also, it is SUPER '80s. The craft and mom nerds in my head are both very excited to begin work on a felt board for Gabe.

Watching: Erik and I have been catching up on New Girl after Gabe goes to bed.

Listening: I started listening to Laura Cantrell's album No Way There from Here. She has a nice folksy-country sound. Her lyrics are well done, too.

Nickname for Gabe: Little Chi-Cha.

Way to Waste Time on the Internet: This is an oldie, but a goodie.

Etsy Shop Update: On Saturday, I set up a cray fire hazard photo shoot in my craft room in order to finally take some scarf/cowl pictures. Here are the edited versions of those pictures (of items that I really *really* want to be able to have time to list THIS WEEK):


Around the House: I picked up the final materials I need to make Erik's Halloween costume. Also, I cleaned the bathtub. Victory!

Craft Idea: There's yarn everywhere. Enough said.

Things I'm Liking as I Type: I'm really enjoying that Gabe water bottle picture. Heh.

What's keep your soul glued this week?

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