Monday, November 10, 2014

The Week in Glue

Here's what's keeping my soul glued this week:

Beverage: Grapefruit seltzer from the can.

Watching: Gilmore Girls. I tried watching it several years ago, but it annoyed me too much to continue for some reason. It doesn't bother me now, though. Did my brain chemistry change? Who knows.

Reading: Have not made much progress since last week with The Left Hand of Darkness. I think it's mostly because I've been going directly to sleep instead of reading before bed.

Listening: I started putting on Morning Edition during breakfast. Also, Serial Podcast.

Gabe Nickname: Fuss City. The kid is getting serious opinions about life.

Around the House: We are getting ready for Gabe's birthday party this coming Sunday. Because I focused largely on yard clean-up last week, I wasn't able to keep up with the house work--so there's a lot to do before the week is out. If it's not one thing, it's another, you know? This week is pretty much about cleaning and party planning.

Craft Idea: Here are a few ideas I've pulled for Gabe's birthday. The food and decoration aspects of parties are my favorite, by far.

What I'm Liking As I Type This: Erik is doing chores, and I'm in bed. oxo

What's keep your soul glued this week?

Monday, November 3, 2014

The Week in Glue

Here's what's keeping my soul glued this week:

Beverage: Spiced chai black tea.

Watching: I watched the awesome western Tombstone again last night. Always so good! "I got two guns: One for the each of ya'."

Reading: I'm about half way through The Left Hand of Darkness. It's a very serious book, and I might need to read something lighter when I'm done with it.

Listening: Argh, something?? I pressed a button in my car today that seemed to erase the preset stations. Again, argh.

Halloween Happenings: Gabe had a fun first Halloween dressed as Captain Kirk from the classic Star Trek episode "The Trouble with Tribbles." Erik wore a Klingon costume and I dressed as a generic space floozie.

I think there's a resemblance!

Space floozie to the rescue!

Etsy Shop Progress: New listings! To see more pictures, details, etc, check out my shop. Here's a sample of what you'll find:

Gabe Nickname: Stinky Pete.

Around the House: Gabe took a two hour nap this morning. I used the time to go bananas with pruning bushes in our front yard. We have what I refer to as a "rhododendron jungle" that we inherited when we bought our house. Picture giant, ridiculous rhododendrons that are overgrown and scraggly. I have fantasies of pulling them out of the ground with a rope attached to the back of my car.

Way to Waste Time on the Internet: So this is a page of GIFs of people looking confused. This may be my new favorite website.

Craft Idea: I decided this weekend that I wanted to learn how to arm knit. While searching for arm knitting tutorials, I came across tutorials for finger knitting...and that brought me back. Picture this: A nine-year-old Chrissy is absent from school on a special colonial celebration day in third grade. While everyone was participating in fun crafts and eating old timey snacks, I was home sick. It was a bummer. The situation became far more distressing when I returned to school the next day and EVERYONE EVER was finger knitting. I had missed learning how to finger knit! I remember learning how to pseudo finger knit, but my projects never looked the right way...until now. After watching a YouTube video, I can finger knit like a champ! My evil craft plan is to arm knit with the finger knit yarn--intense--I know.

Third grade Chrissy would be so proud!

What I'm Liking As I Type This: I am going to make myself some delicious popcorn.

What's keeping your soul glued this week?

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