Monday, November 3, 2014

The Week in Glue

Here's what's keeping my soul glued this week:

Beverage: Spiced chai black tea.

Watching: I watched the awesome western Tombstone again last night. Always so good! "I got two guns: One for the each of ya'."

Reading: I'm about half way through The Left Hand of Darkness. It's a very serious book, and I might need to read something lighter when I'm done with it.

Listening: Argh, something?? I pressed a button in my car today that seemed to erase the preset stations. Again, argh.

Halloween Happenings: Gabe had a fun first Halloween dressed as Captain Kirk from the classic Star Trek episode "The Trouble with Tribbles." Erik wore a Klingon costume and I dressed as a generic space floozie.

I think there's a resemblance!

Space floozie to the rescue!

Etsy Shop Progress: New listings! To see more pictures, details, etc, check out my shop. Here's a sample of what you'll find:

Gabe Nickname: Stinky Pete.

Around the House: Gabe took a two hour nap this morning. I used the time to go bananas with pruning bushes in our front yard. We have what I refer to as a "rhododendron jungle" that we inherited when we bought our house. Picture giant, ridiculous rhododendrons that are overgrown and scraggly. I have fantasies of pulling them out of the ground with a rope attached to the back of my car.

Way to Waste Time on the Internet: So this is a page of GIFs of people looking confused. This may be my new favorite website.

Craft Idea: I decided this weekend that I wanted to learn how to arm knit. While searching for arm knitting tutorials, I came across tutorials for finger knitting...and that brought me back. Picture this: A nine-year-old Chrissy is absent from school on a special colonial celebration day in third grade. While everyone was participating in fun crafts and eating old timey snacks, I was home sick. It was a bummer. The situation became far more distressing when I returned to school the next day and EVERYONE EVER was finger knitting. I had missed learning how to finger knit! I remember learning how to pseudo finger knit, but my projects never looked the right way...until now. After watching a YouTube video, I can finger knit like a champ! My evil craft plan is to arm knit with the finger knit yarn--intense--I know.

Third grade Chrissy would be so proud!

What I'm Liking As I Type This: I am going to make myself some delicious popcorn.

What's keeping your soul glued this week?

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