Monday, September 1, 2014

The Week in Glue: THE SHOP IS OPEN!

My Etsy shop is now open for business! And it feels a bit surreal. Having this shop has been something I've wanted for years. Whatever happens, I feel so happy that it's finally here.

I decided to cut my a-Pair-a-Day Project two days short in order to give myself extra time to work on my shop listings. All-in-all, I made 52 pairs of earrings. Fifty pairs are currently for sale in the shop. (I need to fix the remaining two.) It was challenging to make each pair, take pictures, edit the pictures, and write a post about them every night, but it was worth it--Not only to get back into the routine of making creative projects regularly, but also to get back into blogging regularly. Moving forward, I plan to do more weekly blog features, such as the Throwback Thursday Craft-a-Long. In addition, the shop listings will be expanding to include necklaces, cowls, and yoga mat bags (I just need to make them). 

Other than my excitement about my shop finally opening, here's what's keeping my soul glued this week:

Beverage: Reading the word "beverage" just reminded me that I needed to drink something other than coffee. I am now drinking Georgia Peach Polar Seltzer. As it is now September, my guess is that my love of seltzer will transition to my love of pumpkin-flavored beverages.

Watching: Catch and Release was a hands-down horrible movie. The plot was meandering, and the characters were poorly developed. The best part of the movie was the first 1-2 minutes--and then it turned to crap. After it was done, I bemoaned the two hours of my life that I would never get back. Why did we watch it to the end, you ask? I don't know. I just don't know. To counteract that film's awfulness, I watched The Spoils of Babylon on Netflix. That miniseries is hilarious. Even if you don't care for satire, just watch it to see the amazing wigs donned by Kristen Wiig.

This is how I felt after watching Catch and ReleaseSource.
Reading: I'm two-thirds of the way through The Republic of Thieves. I've been reading the Gentleman Bastard series all summer, and I'm starting to feel sad that it's ending. I think I just need to find a new series to take me through the fall.

Nickname for Gabe: I'm stealing Erik's nickname for Gabe, which is ChiChi Solo. Yes, a mash-up of Chichi and Han Solo.

Look out, ChiChi Solo! Jabba the Hutt is right behind you!

Way to Waste Time on the Internet: This is a classic. I wish my cats would let me dress them in costumes so that they could then ride around on robots.

Etsy Shop Progress: Sweet Bill Shatner, the shop is open!

Around the House: Childproofing. I have never been so excited about baby gates as I am right now.

Craft Idea: I have a bunch of copper plates, which were given to me by a good friend. I've been exploring the idea of how to alter their color and add hammered texture to them.

Things that I'm Liking as I Type: The end of summer sound of cicadas; how Erik doesn't have to work on Labor Day.

What's keeping your soul glued this week?

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