Sunday, July 26, 2015

the week in glue

It's been a while. Winter, spring, and part of summer to be exact. A new job, toddler, and general life have been keeping me busy and relatively away from creative endeavors. In an effort to get my brain back in the Land of the Creative, here's what's keeping my soul glued this week:

Beverage: (Ohhhh! Remember this?) Shandy = Lemonade + Beer = Delicious

Watching: I started up with the X-Files two weeks ago after an eight-year hiatus that stopped during season four. Since picking up the series where I left off, I remembered that my love for Fox Mulder, which began in seventh grade, continues to ring true.

Reading: I've been into historical fiction and Stephen King novels this summer. Right now, I'm reading a book I found at my mom's house, Massachusetts.

This guy. Trouble.
Listening: I enjoyed listening to a This American Life episode this morning during my drive home from Cape Cod.

Gabe Nickname: Mischief! The kid is alllllllll about the mischief. All the time.

Craft Idea: I haven't been making earrings or really doing anything creative this summer. This creative slow-down happens to me periodically when life gets a bit too crazy. To combat the slow-down, I'm embarking on a simple plan I'm calling "A-Page-A-Day." Every day from soon until the last page, I will fill a sketchbook page and post of picture of the finished product.

What I'm Liking As I Type This: I made GIANT blueberry muffins.

What's keep your soul glued this week?

Monday, November 10, 2014

The Week in Glue

Here's what's keeping my soul glued this week:

Beverage: Grapefruit seltzer from the can.

Watching: Gilmore Girls. I tried watching it several years ago, but it annoyed me too much to continue for some reason. It doesn't bother me now, though. Did my brain chemistry change? Who knows.

Reading: Have not made much progress since last week with The Left Hand of Darkness. I think it's mostly because I've been going directly to sleep instead of reading before bed.

Listening: I started putting on Morning Edition during breakfast. Also, Serial Podcast.

Gabe Nickname: Fuss City. The kid is getting serious opinions about life.

Around the House: We are getting ready for Gabe's birthday party this coming Sunday. Because I focused largely on yard clean-up last week, I wasn't able to keep up with the house work--so there's a lot to do before the week is out. If it's not one thing, it's another, you know? This week is pretty much about cleaning and party planning.

Craft Idea: Here are a few ideas I've pulled for Gabe's birthday. The food and decoration aspects of parties are my favorite, by far.

What I'm Liking As I Type This: Erik is doing chores, and I'm in bed. oxo

What's keep your soul glued this week?

Monday, November 3, 2014

The Week in Glue

Here's what's keeping my soul glued this week:

Beverage: Spiced chai black tea.

Watching: I watched the awesome western Tombstone again last night. Always so good! "I got two guns: One for the each of ya'."

Reading: I'm about half way through The Left Hand of Darkness. It's a very serious book, and I might need to read something lighter when I'm done with it.

Listening: Argh, something?? I pressed a button in my car today that seemed to erase the preset stations. Again, argh.

Halloween Happenings: Gabe had a fun first Halloween dressed as Captain Kirk from the classic Star Trek episode "The Trouble with Tribbles." Erik wore a Klingon costume and I dressed as a generic space floozie.

I think there's a resemblance!

Space floozie to the rescue!

Etsy Shop Progress: New listings! To see more pictures, details, etc, check out my shop. Here's a sample of what you'll find:

Gabe Nickname: Stinky Pete.

Around the House: Gabe took a two hour nap this morning. I used the time to go bananas with pruning bushes in our front yard. We have what I refer to as a "rhododendron jungle" that we inherited when we bought our house. Picture giant, ridiculous rhododendrons that are overgrown and scraggly. I have fantasies of pulling them out of the ground with a rope attached to the back of my car.

Way to Waste Time on the Internet: So this is a page of GIFs of people looking confused. This may be my new favorite website.

Craft Idea: I decided this weekend that I wanted to learn how to arm knit. While searching for arm knitting tutorials, I came across tutorials for finger knitting...and that brought me back. Picture this: A nine-year-old Chrissy is absent from school on a special colonial celebration day in third grade. While everyone was participating in fun crafts and eating old timey snacks, I was home sick. It was a bummer. The situation became far more distressing when I returned to school the next day and EVERYONE EVER was finger knitting. I had missed learning how to finger knit! I remember learning how to pseudo finger knit, but my projects never looked the right way...until now. After watching a YouTube video, I can finger knit like a champ! My evil craft plan is to arm knit with the finger knit yarn--intense--I know.

Third grade Chrissy would be so proud!

What I'm Liking As I Type This: I am going to make myself some delicious popcorn.

What's keeping your soul glued this week?

Monday, October 27, 2014

The Week in Glue

Here's what's keeping my soul glued this week:

Beverage: Erik surprised me with more pumpkin coffee k-cups this evening. I heart him.

Watching: PBS cartoons ad cooking shows. This new watch list was a result of our hotel stay in Vermont this weekend, while visiting Erik's family. Gabe was super into the cooking shows--I think even more so than the cartoons. Future chef on our hands? 

Reading: The Left Hand of Darkness by Ursula K. Le Guin. Gender is for chumps!

Nickname for Gabe: Gooferine.

Tempting to glue faux fur to my boobs. Buuttttt no thanks.
Way to Waste Time on the Internet: Found this the other day when trying to come up with my Halloween costume. Eat your hear out, Trek fans.

Craft Idea: This week, I will endeavor to create tribbles for Gabe's Captain Kirk Halloween costume. I found this tutorial so that I don't have to start from scratch.

Around the House: Before leaving on our trip to Vermont on Friday, I went bananas with laundry, lists, and packing. I hate coming home to a messy house, so leaving the place clean was a necessity. Today, Erik and I did a bit more fall yard clean-up. We finally pruned a giant forsythia bush that has been slowly taking over half of our front yard.

What I'm Liking as I Type This: That we had pizza, wine, and Greek salad for dinner. Also, that I can go to bed early.

What's keeping your soul glued this week?

Thursday, October 23, 2014

MOMCRAFT: Bath Fizzies

Welcome to the newest SoulGlue Crafts blog feature: MomCraft. In this monthly post, I will provide directions for a self-care focused craft for anyone (not just moms!) who needs/wants to take a break from the daily grind with a creative activity. My goal is to make these crafts 1) Doable within a half hour 2) Easy to do while standing up and 3) Easy to incorporate kids into (if they're interested). 

I'm kicking this feature off with directions for bath fizzies, also known as "bath bombs." You drop these compact chunks in the tub to make the water fragrant, bubbly, and delightful. Because I had never made fizzies before, I did a quick Internet search for directions. I found a Martha Stewart tutorial that I liked, and began collecting my materials. The nice thing about this craft is that you will probably have most of the materials already--that was a definite draw for me (I feel as if I'm starting to creep out the craft store sales people because I'm there so much). Here are the materials you will need (thank you Martha Stewart!):

1/2 cup citric acid
1 cup baking soda
3/4 cup cornstarch
1/4 cup organic cane sugar
Food coloring
10 to 15 drops essential oil
Spray bottle
Silicone ice cube tray
Flour sifter
Large bowl
Measuring cups
Mixing spoon and/or whisk

The one ingredient challenge I had was finding citric acid. I looked in two different craft stores and one grocery store for citric acid and could not locate it. I ended up ordering food grade citric acid from Amazon for around $12. 

I adapted the following instructions from Martha's tutorial to better reflect my process:

1. Take large measuring cups (and/or small bowl) and mix together citric acid, baking soda, and cornstarch. I found it helpful to use a whisk to mix everything together, as the spoon seemed to leave the ingredients separated.

2. Place flour sifter in center of large bowl and sift mixed ingredients into bowl. Whisk/stir in sugar.

3. Fill spray bottle with water and add food coloring. Make sure that the nozzle on your spray bottle is turned to the lightest spray option. (The number of drops you will need depends upon the size of the spray bottle you use, as well as the color you would like your fizzies to have. I added six drops to my 8 ounce spray bottle, which resulted in a very pale pink color. If I did this again, I would add more drops of food coloring for a brighter color.) 

Too much spray! I adjusted the nozzle after this first spritz.
4. Spritz mixture lightly until you can pack the mixture with your hands. The goal is for the mixture to become damp, but not fizz. To do this, be patient (meh) and do one spritz at a time (instead of going bananas and spraying water all over the mixture at once). 

The mixture will clump together easily when damp enough.
5. Add essential oil one drop at a time until strength of scent is to your liking. (I chose grapefruit scented oil (yum!) and ended up using *I think* 30 drops. The oil I used was not super high quality stuff, which was probably why I needed to double the amount of drops.)

6. Using your hands or a spoon, mix everything together until the color is consistent and the oil is blended.

7. Spoon, or use hands, to pack mixture firmly into ice cube tray. Let dry at room temperature overnight. Pop out of tray gently. 

Here's the big question of the day, though: Do these things work? The answer is...yes! I tested them last night, and they fizz. The fizz is not epic and will not make a bubble bath, BUT it will make the tub water smell lovely. I also found that the essential oil in the fizz made my skin really smooth. Cheers to a good crafting experience all around!

Monday, October 20, 2014

The Week in Glue

Here's what's keeping my soul glued this week:

It's sparkly and GIGANTIC.
Beverage: Every time I decide that I'm going to drink more water on a daily basis, I buy another water bottle. This behavior has resulted in a ridiculous collection of water bottles that I have no room to store. Sigh. In keeping with this poorly planned tradition, I purchased a sparkly new bottle.

Reading: I received the fourth and final book from my sickness-induced book buying binge of a few weeks ago: Felt Board Fun for Everyday and the Holidays. This book is great. It not only has templates, but also little lesson plans about how to play with the pieces you make. Also, it is SUPER '80s. The craft and mom nerds in my head are both very excited to begin work on a felt board for Gabe.

Watching: Erik and I have been catching up on New Girl after Gabe goes to bed.

Listening: I started listening to Laura Cantrell's album No Way There from Here. She has a nice folksy-country sound. Her lyrics are well done, too.

Nickname for Gabe: Little Chi-Cha.

Way to Waste Time on the Internet: This is an oldie, but a goodie.

Etsy Shop Update: On Saturday, I set up a cray fire hazard photo shoot in my craft room in order to finally take some scarf/cowl pictures. Here are the edited versions of those pictures (of items that I really *really* want to be able to have time to list THIS WEEK):


Around the House: I picked up the final materials I need to make Erik's Halloween costume. Also, I cleaned the bathtub. Victory!

Craft Idea: There's yarn everywhere. Enough said.

Things I'm Liking as I Type: I'm really enjoying that Gabe water bottle picture. Heh.

What's keep your soul glued this week?
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